Caviar is named from the roe of sturgeons. Sturgeon cultivation normally takes 7-12 years for female ones reaching maturity to reproduce. Due to overfishing of sturgeons, wild cultivation is nearly banned world-wide. All species of Caviar are aquaculture and required to produce under *CITES agreement since 1998.
Caviar is one of the most favorite and precious ingredients selected for special occasions in fine dining restaurants. The supply of Caviar becomes stable since aquaculture, parallel to the consumption of Caviar increased 3 folds from 2004 to 2020. Main supplies are from China, Russia, Iran, Italy, France and USA. China is the key supply and captures about 55%-65% of the market share globally.
*CITES = Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Founa & Flora
The harvesting process needs to be completed in 20 minutes to ensure the fresh quality and prevent the contamination risk.
Malossol (light salted) caviar is a perishable product and must be kept at the right temperature throughout the entire production, aging and shipping process.